Growthbusters may be in our rearview mirror, but before we file all our notes away, let’s take a moment to recap some of the growth bustin’ tips and tricks shared during Growthbusters.

Discovering Your Why—Growthbusters was all about breaking through obstacles that stand in the way of your dealership’s growth. But before you can start making and breaking goals, you need to identify your “why.”

Your “why” is the big picture, the deeper reason why you might want something. Knowing this why will help drive every decision you make and keep your actions focused on the larger goal. Knowing your “why” also makes sharing your goals and inspiring your team easier.

Take Time To Set Goals—Too often people don’t give themselves enough time to sit down and think through their goals. This means they aren’t dedicating enough time to properly plan how they’re going to achieve these goals.

Not only that, but too many people walk around with upper limiting beliefs that make it hard for them to even set goals that’ll help them grow. That’s exactly why J&T hosted a workshop that helped RDs discover not only what their upper limiting beliefs may be, but also how to set and accomplish goals that overcome these beliefs.

The Real Benefits Of Conversation Scorecards—Creating a human-to-human connection is one of the most important things that happen at a dealership. It opens the door to appointments and sales. But there’s never been a great way to track the conversations our BDRs or salespeople are having and hold them accountable. Until now.

Using a conversation scorecard is important because being able to accurately measure progress over a period of time can help you identify trends and anticipate issues before they become problems. A conversation scorecard also makes it possible to be objective when coaching and makes accountability easier.

Until now tracking something as squishy and abstract as a conversation has been nearly impossible. But at Growthbusters, we laid out tools you can use to quantify conversations and develop better employee accountability.

 Manage Your Manager Not Through Them—One of the biggest benefits you can give to both yourself and your employees is the idea of managing your managers and not through them. Train and develop your managers to be leaders.

Don’t attempt to control the people under each manager by pressuring the manager to do your bidding—at this point you’re just micromanaging. Micromanaging rarely yields positive results or fosters a positive culture. Focus on manager development and help them become the type of leaders that develop the type of employees you want at your dealership.

Being Comfortable With A Plateau In Growth—There are a lot of steps on the path to becoming a master at something. But if there’s one big takeaway J&T shared from the process to growth and mastery it’s that you will hit plateaus during your journey.

It’s during plateaus that most people lose steam or even give up. But the ability to push through these periods and continue to work is when true mastery occurs. It takes real commitment to stick to the process even when you don’t feel like growth is happening. This commitment is what ultimately leads to new heights in growth, success and mastery.

There we are, 5 tips and tricks we shared at Growthbusters. But just because Growthbusters is over doesn’t mean we’re done helping you grow. RSVP now for Rich Dealers Greatest Dealership On Earth Mastermind Meeting happening February 9-11, 2020 at