Just when you thought The Golden Age Of Rich Dealers® Mastermind Meeting couldn’t get any better, it does. We just got confirmation from Facebook—they’re sending an in-house digital marketing expert to present with Rich.

It takes more than A+B to equal results in digital marketing, and Facebook is joining Rich in lifting the hood on your digital marketing during this once in a lifetime presentation

You’ll gain insider knowledge on the changes Facebook recently made, what they mean and how they’ll affect you before most others in the industry. Plus, we’ll show you what makes Gravitational Marketing’s digital marketing so revolutionary in the eyes of industry experts and how it directly helps your business.

With special insights from the Gravitational Marketing team, the specialist from Oracle and the expert from Facebook, this meeting is sure to be one for the record books.

Whether you’re looking for new growth opportunities for your dealership or you want to be the first in the industry to understand what’s going on in Facebook, you don’t want to miss The Golden Age Of Rich Dealers® Mastermind Meeting. RSVP today!